Tuesday, October 29, 2013

published in The dVerse Anthology

okay, so this happened a while ago, in late July (and yes, I'm only just now getting to it...), but I had 3 poems published in a physical book: "The dVerse Anthology: Voices of Contemporary World Poetry". This was very exciting for me, as it was my first publication in a book that was not in some way connected to school/stuff. It is edited by Frank Watson and contains poetry from poets located throughout the entire world.

So anyway, here's the link to buying the book. I doubt there's an online copy to read for free. So if you are rich enough to actually buy it, do so and read my poems. There are other good poets/poetry in there, too; so, you know, 'justification'.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

review of "The Persistence of Crows" by Grant Maierhofer

here is a link to a review on I AM ALT LIT of "The Persistence of Crows" by Grant Maierhofer:


it's a good book and will be released Oct. 8th. Also, if you pre-order the novel, you can save yourself a few bucks. Definitely a good deal. Check it out!